A 50-year-old lady started swim

A 50-year-old lady, who suddenly started learning how to swim instead of her usual routine work of going to a Church !!!!
Everyone was curious and asked her:
“why the change in your interest in swimming nowadays?”
The lady, with a look of helplessness, replied:
“Whenever my son and daughter-in-law quarrel with each other She ( Daughter-in-law) always asks my son: –
“If your mom and I fall in the water, whom will you save first?”

And because I do not want to put my son in a difficult position, so I am learning how to swim!”
A few days later husband and wife were quarrelling again, and the daughter-in-law unreasonably asked:
” now tell me! If your mom and I fall in the water, whom will you save first?”
Husband replied:
“I don’t have to get down in the water, my mom knows how to swim, she will save you.”
Wife refused to relent:
“No, you have to jump in the water, and have to save one of us”
The husband replied:
“Then you will surely die…. because I don’t know how to swim …. and my mom will definitely save.

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