A dwarf with a speech impediment goes into a horse stud farm

A dwarf with a speech impediment goes into a stud farm.

‘I’d like to buy a horth.’ he says to the owner of the farm.

‘What sort of horse?’ said the owner.

‘A female horth.’ the dwarf replies.

So the owner shows him a mare.

‘Nithe horth.’ says the dwarf.

‘Can I thee her eyeth?’

So the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses eyes.

‘Nithe eyeth.’ says the dwarf.

‘Can I thee her teeth?’

Again the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses teeth.

‘Nithe teeth.’ He says.

‘Can I see her eerth?’ the dwarf says.’

The owner is getting fed up but again picks up the dwarf to show him the horses ears.

‘Nithe eerth.’ He says.

‘Now… can I see her twot?’

The owner, not sure if he heard correctly, replies, ‘Her what?’

‘Twot, can I see her twot,’ the dwarf says.

The owner losing his patience picks the dwarf up by the scruff of his neck and shoves his head deep inside the horse’s you-know-what.

He holds him there for a couple of seconds before pulling him out and putting him down.

The dwarf shakes his head and says, ‘Perhaps I should weefwaze that,…’

‘Can I see her wun awound?’

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