A Young Lady Is Working At Old People Home

Looking visibly happier, he pulls out another photo,

“This is my house in Devon. It’s an 8 bedroom mansion with a swimming pool and 25 acres of land.”

“You can have it, only, I’d love to see those melons bouncing.

She thinks about this for a few seconds, then agrees and proceeds to jump up and down topless in front of the old man.

Now vibrant, the old man grabs another photo and says,

“here, look, this is my yacht off of the coast of Gibraltar.”

“It’s yours if you could just let me play with those spiffing melons of yours for a couple of minutes.”

Deciding it’s worth it, she leans forward and lets the old man have a good fumble of her jubilees.

Wide-eyed and with a cheeky grin on his face, the old man says, “thank you so much, my dear.”

He stands up and hands her the three photographs.

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