At 76, she is criticized for the way she dresses, but responds to her critics in the best possible way

From the height of her 76 years, Candace Leslie Cima does not hesitate to display her magnificent figure on social networks. Without real surprise, the septuagenarian is the target of odious comments, but the latter responds to her detractors in the most beautiful way.

Candace Leslie Cima is a 76-year-old American tiktok player . And the least we can say is that the latter does not lack elegance. Indeed, this fashion enthusiast loves to share her looks and her most beautiful pieces on the social network.

Unsurprisingly, the one followed by 94,000 followers is the target of inappropriate comments. The reason ? According to some people, the septuagenarian should dress according to her age.

Faced with this situation, Candace made the choice to respond to her detractors in the most beautiful way. She posted a video of herself in a black one-piece swimsuit while vacationing in Florida, proving that age is just a number.

In another clip, she posed in her outfits of the week: tight jeans, flowery dresses, leggings, fitted blouses… Candace knows how to put her dream figure in value.

In the comments, users were quick to come to Candace’s defence: ” You are the definition of graceful aging, a true inspiration “, ” You look gorgeous “, ” You look great “, “ Superb ”, can we read among the many reactions.

For her part, the influencer explained that she liked aging because she was learning new things. She created her account to help her peers get rid of the ” negative connotation ” associated with aging.

“ We now have the opportunity to be productive, intelligent and stylish women throughout our lives ,” Candace posted on TikTok .

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