Funny Joke: A husband comes home to find his wife sobbing – she was insulted by the pharmacist

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👇 Read The Joke Of The Day 👇
Upon arriving home, a husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife.

Tearfully she explained, “It was the pharmacist. He insulted me terribly this morning on the phone.”

Immediately the husband drove downtown to confront the pharmacist and demand an apology.

Before he could say more than a few words, the druggist told him,

“Now, just a minute, please listen to my side of it!”

“This morning the alarm failed to go off, so I was late getting up.”

“I went without breakfast and hurried out to the car, just to realize that I locked the house with both house and car keys inside.”

“I had to break a window to get my keys.”

“Then, driving a little too fast, I got a speeding ticket.”

“Later, about three blocks from the store, I had a flat tire.”

“When I got to the store there was a bunch of people waiting for me to open up.”


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