Giant Cross Washes Up On Florida Beach In What Many Are Calling A ‘Holy Sign’ (VIDEO)

A family from Michigan was recently relaxing on a beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida when they came upon a sight that left them completely stunned.

The family found a massive 20-foot wooden cross that was covered in layers of barnacles.

“Why would the sea finally cough it up at just that moment if it wasn’t meant for us to find it?” said Greg Gay.

Since the cross was discovered, many have been calling it a “holy sign” and “divine timing.” Frank Talerico, who owns a hotel near where the cross was found, said that he sees it as a symbol of protection. He explained that on the day the cross was found, his sister had woken up from a bad dream and began to pray. Minutes later, the cross was found on the shore.

He added that his hotel is going to keep the cross and that people are welcome to come see it and take pictures with it.

Photos of the cross have quickly gone viral, with social media users everywhere being touched by it.
“As a Christian I know it’s not the cross that my Savior Jesus Christ was crucified on but it is a Holy symbolic warning sign for people who are walking in the Darkness to wake up,” one social media user commented, with another adding, “It came from our heavenly father,he’s trying to tell us something!!”

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