James Fridman Trolls People With Photoshop Edits

James Fridman is the master behind the Photoshop edits that have gone viral. He hilariously trolls people!

James has a funny side when he takes over Photoshop and keeps trolling people who ask him about bizarre edits. His name is not unknown to the public as to why his works have gone viral on the internet.Viral Strange has collected 28 pics edited by James Friedman that will make you roll on the floor laughing!

Whether it is a six-pack, the glutes of Kim Kardashian or a teleporting request, no task is too big for the man behind the latest Photoshop trend – but followers might not like the results.

James Fridman, who is from the US, has turned the art of manipulating photos on its head by turning people’s unrealistic requests into comedy pictures. 

On his Twitter feed, @fjamie013, which has more than 45,000 followers, the designer invites people to send him their photos with the warning: ‘Do not submit any personal photos that you do not want to be made public.’

Scroll down for video 

Unrealistic expectations: Designer James Fridman mocks people's unrealistic body expectations by manipulating their images

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Unrealistic expectations: Designer James Fridman mocks people’s unrealistic body expectations by manipulating their images

'No problem': James responds to people's requests to change their pictures with dry humour

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‘No problem’: James responds to people’s requests to change their pictures with dry humour

Satire: When asked to 'make the boobies bigger' on this picture by the man, pictured above with and without breasts, he found he was the brunt of the joke in James's reply 

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Satire: When asked to ‘make the boobies bigger’ on this picture by the man, pictured above with and without breasts, he found he was the brunt of the joke in James’s reply

He then edits them – usually at the expense of the person featured – to create a satirical look at narcissistic behavior.


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