Just in: Gordon Ramsay Throws Whoopi Goldberg Out Of His Restaurant, Bans Her For Life

Just in: Gordon Ramsay Throws Whoopi Goldberg Out Of His Restaurant, Bans Her For Life

In an event that feels like it was torn right out of a crossover episode of ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ and ‘The View’,

world-renowned celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay unceremoniously evicted actress and talk-show host Whoopi Goldberg from his latest restaurant venture, Hell’s Pearly Gates. To top off this culinary melodrama, he slapped her with a lifetime ban. Yikes!

So, what’s cooking? Hold onto your spatulas folks, as we delve into this sizzling saga.

The incident occurred last Tuesday, during prime dining hours no less. Witnesses report Goldberg arrived with the confidence of someone who’s been to ‘Ghost’ and back, expecting to be treated like the EGOT winner she is. But alas, Chef Ramsay apparently missed that memo. Why? Because he’s Gordon Ramsay, that’s why.

It appears that Goldberg’s culinary crime was the audacious request to have her Beef Wellington – Ramsay’s signature dish – prepared ‘well done’. This innocent suggestion instantly sent Ramsay into a state of kitchen frenzy. It was as if Goldberg had asked Ramsay to substitute lobster for spam in a Lobster Thermidor.

OMG!! 😱

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