Pat Sajak, the Wheel of Fortune host, says goodbye to his audience.

An era is about to expire. Pat Sajak, the show’s 40-year host, revealed his decision to hang up the microphone and leave the venerable game show.

Sajak first hinted that he would be departing the show in 2021, so his retirement has been long overdue. In his words to Entertainment Tonight, “We’re closer to the end than the beginning.” I’d want to go before viewers tune in and start to wonder, “Ooh, what happened to him?”

The Daytime Emmy winner hinted about leaving again the following year, telling the same site that he was content with how well he had kept his commitments and was prepared to hand the reins over to someone else.

Years pass quickly. He said, “The end is almost here. It’s a privilege to have stayed so long in people’s living rooms. People were outside to welcome us. We feel happy and comfortable.

Sajak, who has performed on “Wheel of Fortune” for almost 40 years, is prepared to say goodbye.

Since 1981, Sajak has been in charge of the “Wheel of Fortune” directing. Sony Pictures Television stated that although he would no longer be the presenter, he would continue to contribute to the program as a consultant behind the scenes.

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