When Angelina Jolie’s 15-year-old daughter decided she didn’t want to be a guy, she transformed into a true beauty…

Shiloh Jolie-Pete attended the Maificent movie premiere with her mother and older brothers. Everyone was astounded by the girl’s appearance, and her mother’s friends showered her with praise.

Shiloh prefers to dress comfortably. The girl had mentioned she didn’t feel like a woman and had considered becoming a boy.

The young model attended a recent event wearing a Dior gown that her mother used to wear. She wore minimal makeup and kept her hair in a bun. Shilo accessorized with earrings and ballerina flats, making her seem even more feminine and lovely.

Angelina Jolie, by the way, is an advocate for utilizing things thoughtfully, so all of her children chose her old clothes and had them changed for them. Each of her daughters chose the image she loved most and then changed her attire.

Shiloh’s fans commented that she is stunning and that this photo is ideal for her. Nonetheless, someone inquired, «Where did she hide this beauty? And how do you feel about a young beauty’s outfit?

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