Why He Cheated

“Yes,” she answer.

“Do you want another one?”

“Sure, please.”

The monk looks her in the eyes and said, “Do you see the problem now?”

The woman thinks for a while, and then slowly speak, “I guess human nature is greedy.

You got one, then you want more, maybe a new one, bigger one.

It’s never enough. And nothing lasts forever, anything is impermanence.

We should be aware and not disappointed for that.”

The monk shakes his head, “No, I mean you are too fat, you should eat less.”

A woman gets cheated by her husband. Devastated, she doesn’t know how to continue to live her life.

She heard that there’s a very wise monk who lives up in a mountain, and decided to go there to consult him.

After few days of traveling, walking, climbing, she reaches the top and meets the wise monk
I have spent my whole life with him, my youth was dedicated to support him, take care of him.

And now he left me with a young woman.

My life is stolen, and I’m left with nothing.

I don’t know what to do.”

The monk gives her a cookie and asks her to eat it.

After she finishes eating, he ask, “Is the cookie delicious?”

“Yes,” she answer.

“Do you want another one?”

“Sure, please.”

The monk looks her in the eyes and said, “Do you see the problem now?”

The woman thinks for a while, and then slowly speak, “I guess human nature is greedy.

You got one, then you want more, maybe a new one, bigger one.

It’s never enough. And nothing lasts forever, anything is impermanence.

We should be aware and not disappointed for that.”

The monk shakes his head, “No, I mean you are too fat, you should eat less.”

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